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Naturaleza Perpendicular


Recóndita. Alta piedra.

Martín Adán


Cliffs that are a below on which the city rests and became once the last end of its urban territory, to become a viewpoint and extension of the desire to extend the cult of ownership reflected over the ocean waters . Streaming water falls and steep ravines from the bay are the rest of the bases of concrete of an ever denser and heavier city. This below that leans and announces with a plunge its gravity over the beaches; and these images, which are a longitudinal analytical approach from where these pictures are watching, producing a new cut over the west side of the street on which we walk.


To a more consensual and speculative view to the city of greed, the pictures of Camila Rodrigo precede a look of texture to its very depths and at times to what seem to be their own shocked and taken down by gravity monsters. The debris shaped by the sediment and the alluvial rock settled for centuries, appears in close-ups like if it was anticipating symbolically to more contemporary settlements, whose collective stories these images without even trying cite and murmur with timely delicacy.


If, as Adán said - the local poet and disengaged-, all is alluvium, Camila Rodrigo's photos are also alluvial. They are in their testimony, about this reverse natural and expose: almost the opposite of the surface made of the relationships between architecture, society and culture that defines the city. The perpendicularity of the cliff is the focal point in which nature and culture turn their backs to each others, of course, but the pictures allow to open cracks and always return evidence about what is unnoticed by the consensus. In this careful observation of earthy texture  and coarse of perpendicular nature, this is a kind of photography that points out: deliberately articulates the various natural, geological, social textures. And in between these spectacular formations of earth and stone, absorbed by times in it's own contemplation of accumulated layers, is where the hiding place or artisanal crafts of the devout grotto get together, subtle remains of a human life established poor and surreptitiously at that margin that is that perpendicular below and natural that we ever usually see, that are the entrails we now observed from the height of the distant, high stone.


Rodrigo Quijano


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